Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to write Tweets longer than 140 characters?

A lot of people find it very difficult to express their thoughts or share a view on twitter due to their character limits. To be honest, I can make the most out of 140 characters. But, there are situations when you need more than 140 characters to express yourself but Twitter won’t allow you post tweets that exceed the limit.

Twitlonger:  This tool will allow you to sign up using the Twitter OAuth and thus you will be able to post longer tweets on Twitter. All you have to do is just login and you will be given a huge text area to write your tweet. What it does is, it will post your tweet with a link to it to view the entire text. Pretty sick isn’t it…?

RichTweets: One of my favorites. This tool allows you to create full HTML Tweets with colors, images, videos and widgets. You can connect it with your twitter account and when you post it here, it automatically gets posted on your twitter account.  YouTube videos can be easily added and alternately, you can embed other videos by simply inputting the full code in the video embed box. You can use it as another twitter manager such as hootsuite, tweetdeck etc. This is a good find.

XLTweet: When you have more to say but limited space, just XL tweet it. This tool is quite easy to use and comes in handy when you want to post longer tweets. Simply type in the text, provide your Twitter account details and bingo!!

MaxiTweets: It allows up to 200 characters long tweets, which is an increase of nearly 50%. They have opened up several new possibilities for the fast growing Twitter communications platform.  So get more out of Twitter now with maxitweets: up to 200 letters.

ezTweets: This one lets you post both of Twitter and Facebook. With ezTweets you can write huge posts. It simply takes your longer tweets (more than 140 characters long) and split them neatly, marks the tweet in a sequential manner and posts them to your Twitter timeline all at once. Best part, there is no characters limit…

TallTweets: Tall Tweets will slice your tweet into multiple smaller tweets of 140 characters or less, and publishes them all to Twitter in a sequence. The tweets are numbered and are sent in a reverse arrangement such that they can be read from top-to-down inside any Twitter client. Alternatively, you may choose to publish your long tweet as an image and in that case, the entire text gets published in a single tweet.

Advantage: The image tweets are rendered in the Roboto font (originally design by Google for Android) and thus the text in the images should be readable even on mobile screens.

Tweet!Tweet!! Long Twitter update it is!!! :) 

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